Friday 27 December 2013

Tuesday 10 December 2013

I saw some amazing Japanese artwork in a book called 'Japan: Season by Season' today. What appealed to me was the graphic quality of the flat colour and the use of silhouettes and small amounts of detail. I realised this is what I've been using a lot in most of my prints. Maybe it'a just the nature of the process, I really feel like I've found a style though!

Inspired by the big paper, set design like work of Daniel Kelly and the installations of Thomas Kilpper, I have decided to make some fabric prints of my work. As I was photographing my prints and thinking about the map idea, I thought that sections of the images could look great blown up really big and could create an environment that reflects diferent areas of LP. Printed onto fabric, these could be wall hangings that could be put up temporarily in different spaces, for example a class room for UNESCO educational days, to help evoke a sense that you could be in the town itself. Here is the result of one print after scanning sections, piecing together and blowing up images from my silk screens.


Thursday 5 December 2013

I have been working on more considered pieces, some of which I think could become posters. They focus on different areas of Luang Prabang: The temples and monks, fishing trade, the myth of the hermits creating Luang Prabang, Mount Phou Si (sacred hill) and the night market. Here are the pieces and closer details (which could form part of an educational publication)...

Saturday 30 November 2013

This weekend I went to the first London Illustration fair. It wasn't particularly big but it's always good to see what's happening now in Visual Communication. I saw some amazing 15 layer silk screens from Lucille Clerc and also managed to talk to Nick Morley (aka Linocut Boy) about setting up print studios!

Thursday 28 November 2013

I discovered this book today, 'Printmaking A Complete Guide to Materials and Processes'. It's great, it takes you through really detailed instructions for various print making techniques and also has a guide to setting up your own studio. There were a couple of artists featured in the book who really stood out to me.

This is the work of Koichi Yamamoto who prints direct impressions of rollered ink using a monotype technique.

This is Thomas Kilpper who created one huge woodcut out of a disused basketball court to illustrate stories surrounding the local area. He took prints of different sections and created an installation with the images. I love the way he has created a sort of environment with his imagery of the town and its characters.